Grid System

Arwes implements a <Grid /> component and its extensions <Row /> and <Col /> components to create grids and layout your application.

Using the Design System <ThemeProvider /> theme the grid is configured and by providing the grid components with specific props you can create pretty much complex layouts.

Rows and Columns

The structure for the grid is mostly ported from MaterialCSS Grid into react-jss. The rows and columns behave the same. You create rows and inside you add your columns as a real grid. Review their docs to get to know how it works.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ThemeProvider, createTheme, Row, Col } from 'arwes';

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={createTheme()}>
      <Col s={6}>First Column</Col>
      <Col s={6}>Second Column</Col>
      <Col s={12} m={6}>Third Column</Col>
      <Col s={12} m={6}>Fourth Column</Col>
      <Col s={12} m={6}>Fifth Column</Col>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'));

In this example there are 2 rows, in the first one 2 columns with 50% width always. In the second row there are 3 columns, 100% width on small and 50% on medium and so on.


The <Col /> component can take the props of:

  • s: number - With the number of columns when device is in small breakpoint.
  • m: number - With the number of columns when device is in medium breakpoint.
  • l: number - With the number of columns when device is in large breakpoint.
  • xl: number - With the number of columns when device is in xlarge breakpoint.

The number of columns can be configured in the theme with the property columns. By default is 12. So any column can take from 1 to 12.


There are 3 breakpoints in a device viewport width in pixels:

  • small - From 0 to this width, it is small.
  • medium - From small + 1 to this width, it is medium.
  • large - From medium + 1 to this width, it is large. And from large + 1 is is xlarge.

They are configured in the Design System theme. By default:

const myTheme = {
  responsive: {
    small: 600,
    medium: 992,
    large: 1200


They are configured in the columns and behave the same way as from MaterialCSS.

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={createTheme()}>
      <Col s={12} m={8} l={6} offset={['m2', 'l3']}>
        Centered Column

In this example, the column uses 100% width in small, in medium it is 66.6% width and has an offset of 16.6% so it is centered and in large it uses 50% width and has an offset of 25% and it is centered.