Animation System

For animation effects, Arwes uses the same Design System provider to set up some settings. Though it is required, animations are more configured directly in the components rather than using the provider.

Most components use the <Transition /> component behind the scenes to enable animations and they have the following props to configure its animations:

  • animate: bool - Indicates whether the component should be animated. By default false.
  • show: bool - If component is animated, then should the component show itself or not. By default true.
  • animation: object - Extra settings to pass to the <Transition /> component.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ThemeProvider, createTheme, Arwes, Button } from 'arwes';

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={createTheme()}>
    <Arwes animate show>
      <div style={{ padding: 20 }}>
        <h1>My App</h1>
        <p>A SciFi Project</p>
        <Button animate show>Travel to Space</Button>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#root'));

In the example the components <Arwes /> and <Button /> are animatable and they are shown at the same time when mounted. If show were to be passed as false, they will be hidden, but by default still mounted.

Usually the components themselves would be with opacity: 0 when hidden, but its children would be left without effects. This is so you can animate them the way you like. For example, the <Button /> would have the button frame hidden but its content would be left open for your own animations.

Since the components are rendered but hidden, they are SEO compatible so you can create complete animations without losing crawler visibility.

Normally, the components have the same duration to be animated when shown and hidden. They use the setting animTime (time in ms) in the theme provided by <ThemeProvider />.

Animation Component

If you want to create your own custom animated components, you can use the <Animation /> component. It uses the <Transition /> and will only be enabled if animate is passed as true.

The component receives a function as children and it will receive an object with the animation state:

  • status: string - The <Transition /> received status parameter.
  • entering: bool - Started to be shown.
  • entered: bool - Animation is completed and now is shown.
  • exiting: bool - Started to be hidden.
  • exited: bool - Animation is completed and now is hidden.

If animation is not enabled, it will be entered always.

A complete example can be seen in the <Animation /> playground.

Nested Animations

Since there are many animations which can happen in serial order when mounting components, for most components you can use functions as children, where specified, to control animation events. If you want to show a parent component first and when it is shown completely, show its children, you can do:

const App = () => (
  <ThemeProvider theme={createTheme()}>
    <Arwes animate show>
      {anim => (
        <div style={{ padding: 20 }}>
          <h1>My App</h1>
          <p>A SciFi Project</p>
          <Button animate show={anim.entered}>Travel to Space</Button>

When the <Arwes /> renders its children, it will pass an object parameter to define its state in the animation. When its animations are completed the property entered will be true and its children can now start showing and being animated.

With this now you can nest multiple components to make animations more realistic.